Horsehead Grasshopper: an Alien with Phenomenal Jumping Ability

Have you ever seen a grasshopper with a face like a horse? Believe it or not, such a creature exists! In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating facts about the horsehead grasshopper, exploring its unique appearance, interesting behavior, and habitat preferences.

Horsehead Grasshopper
Scientific name: Pseudoproscopia scabra
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Proscopiidae
Genus: Pseudoproscopia

Their head looks like a horsehead

The horsehead grasshopper is easily recognizable because of its long face. It’s not a true grasshopper or a stick insect, even though it may seem like a stick insect. This species is actually part of a big family called Neotropical grasshoppers, which has more than 18,000 different kinds.

This species lives up to its name with its distinctively elongated head, resembling that of a horse. They typically have a slender body with long legs. With this feature, they can jump really far – up to 20 times their own body length in just one jump!

Horsehead grasshopper face close up
The species has an alien look with bulging eyes, a horse snout, and short antennas

One of the most striking features of the horsehead grasshopper is its large, bulging eyes, which provide excellent vision for detecting predators and locating food. Their antennae are relatively short compared to other grasshopper species, but they are still sensitive and crucial for detecting nearby movement and locating potential food sources.

These grasshoppers exhibit remarkable sexual dimorphism. Females, significantly larger than males, grow up to 8 inches (20.3 cm) and are typically brown. Meanwhile, the males are smaller, reaching only 5 inches (12.7 cm), and they tend to be more colorful, often with a bright green color. These color variations help them blend seamlessly with their surroundings, further enhancing their camouflage and survival in their habitat.


The horsehead grasshopper lives only in a small part of South America, including Brazil, Venezuela, French Guiana, and Peru. It mostly lives in the rainforests of South America, especially in places like the Tambopata National Reserve in Peru. Sometimes, they can also be found in subtropical forests, but they usually stick to the edges of those forests. This species is facing threats like climate change and habitat loss in other areas.

Horsehead grasshopper in bushes and trees

Horsehead Grasshopper Diet

This species is exclusively herbivorous, with a diet consisting of a diverse range of plants, focusing primarily on eating leaves. If you don’t look carefully, you might not see this grasshopper since it seamlessly blends into its surroundings thanks to its appearance.

When perched on a limb, it adeptly mimics the movement of swaying in the wind, further enhancing its disguise. Resembling an ordinary stick while feeding on leaves, it demonstrates remarkable adaptation to its environment.

Horsehead grasshoppers, like many other species, have a range of natural predators, including birds, reptiles (snakes, lizards), small mammals (shrews), and even other insects (mantises, beetles, and assassin bugs).

Life cycle

Horsehead grasshoppers reproduce through intricate courtship rituals, with males attracting females through displays and calls. After mating, females lay eggs in the soil using specialized ovipositors, often synchronizing egg-laying with favorable environmental conditions like rainfall.

Their eggs are protected by tough coatings, allowing them to withstand harsh conditions until hatching. Nymphs undergo molting stages before maturing into adults. The lifespan of horsehead grasshoppers typically lasts for several months



Animal Facts 276

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