Blue is also one of the least common colors in nature. However, there are quite a few blue animals on earth, from small and scaly to large and majestic. Let’s dive in and learn more about these gorgeous blue creatures and how they get this color.
1. Blue Jay
The first species in our list of blue animals is the Blue Jay. These birds boast striking blue feathers in various shades of blue.
Their upper body is predominantly light blue with black accents while their underbelly is white. The prominent crest of feathers on their head makes them easily distinguishable from other birds. Despite its name, blue jays are not animals with blue pigment.
Because the bird generates melanin, a black pigment, its feathers should be black. However, tiny air sacs in its feathers reflect light, giving the feathers a blue appearance to the human eye. If a blue jay’s feathers are damaged, they will appear black as the light scattering is interrupted, removing all traces of blue.
2. Spix’s Macaw
The second blue animal is the gorgeous Spix’s Macaw. These birds, a native of northeastern Brazil, are most known for playing the main character Blu in the 2011 film “Rio”. Sadly, it became extinct in the wild by 2019 with only around 170 individuals remaining in captivity.
Known as “arara” in Brazil, this bird boasts a stunning blue coloration, with feathers ranging from a brilliant turquoise on its body to a dull bluish-grey on its head. Like other birds, its feather color is produced by differences in feather structure.
3. Blue Morpho
The blue morpho butterfly is one of the most stunning blue animals on the planet. Found in the forests of Central and South America, the blue morpho stands out for its mesmerizing blue wings.
This unique shade of blue is not a pigment, but rather a result of the way light scatters through the microscopic scales on the butterfly’s wings. The scales have Christmas tree-shaped ridges and thin alternating layers (lamellae).
These animals with blue color are only found on the butterfly’s dorsal side, making the ventral side brown. Additionally, the males of many morpho species have more blue color on their wings. In some species, the blue color is a feature that only males have. The females may be brown or yellow.
4. Mountain bluebird
The mountain bluebird is recognized as the state bird in both Idaho and Nevada. These blue animals are known as “the bluest of the bluebirds” because of their vivid blue feathers. However, only the males come in the blue color on their upper body, with their lower stomachs being a pale white. On the other hand, females have a more subdued appearance, featuring brown, grey, and pale orange feathers.
Also known as the Arctic bluebird or ultramarine bluebird, this bird species can be found in areas ranging from Canada to Mexico, at elevations above 7,000 feet.
5. Victoria crowned pigeon
The Victoria crowned pigeon is one of the most gorgeous pigeons in the world. These species come in blue color with a circular crest on their head. This crest which is blue with white tips makes the birds look like they’re wearing a crown. The head of these blue animals will have a paler blue color. There is a purple patch on their chest. All of these features make Victoria crowned pigeons more elegant and stunning.
6. Lochi
The Chromodoris lochi is a species of the sea slug and is known for its vibrant and striking appearance. It is a species of chromodorid nudibranch, which are brightly colored sea slugs.
The Chromodoris lochi has a blueish base color and is adorned with a series of black stripes running horizontally along the sides of its body. The gills on the rear part and two sensory tentacles on the head and near the mouth of these blue animals have the same color which can be yellow, orange, or pink.
To know more about these cute creatures, you can read our “Chromodoris Lochi Facts” article.
7. Indian Peafowl
The Indian Peafowl is a captivating animal that is widely recognized for its magnificent appearance and multicolored feathers. However, only the male peafowls, also known as peacocks, have the remarkable look with vibrant blue and green feathers. Their body is almost totally blue, and their tail is adorned with a multitude of bright feathers.
On the other hand, peahens, the female peafowls, are generally dark brown. They only have a few green colors on their necks. This’s why only the males are referred to as blue animals.
Peacock feathers get their blue and green hues from a combination of the black pigment melanin and a crystalline lattice structure that reflects light. This microscopic structure is also present in the feathers of blue jays and is what gives them their signature blue color.
8. Beta fish
The betta fish, commonly known as the Siamese fighting fish, is often regarded as one of the most beautiful fish species on the planet. It is well-known for its bright appearance and aggressive personality.
These fish are bred over many years to create a wide range of colors, including the blue color.
9. Blue dragon
Mentioning blue animals, the blue dragon is a candidate we can’t miss. This species is also known as a blue angel, blue ocean slug, blue sea dragon, blue sea slug, and sea swallow.

Despite its name, it is not a dragon. This blue animal is a fascinating sea slug species noted for its bright blue and silver hues. The blue color creates an excellent camouflage for the species. It helps the blue dragon sea snail to seamlessly blend into the blue ocean and avoid detection by predators such as seabirds.
10. Blue Lobster
Lobsters are typically either green or brown. However, very rarely, about one in two million, a blue lobster can be found. An abnormally large amount of a specific protein that is created by a genetic mutation gives the species the blue color.
The color of a lobster is determined by the layers of pigment visible. Usually, the pigments of yellow, red, and blue mix together to form a brown color. However, if a lobster’s genetic mutation prevents it from getting enough astaxanthin, the red layer is not visible. Hence, the lobster will be blue, instead of the “muddy” blend color.
11. Blue Dacnis
The next blue animal on our list is the blue dacnis. These blue bird animals are found in the forests of Central and South America.
The male boasts a brilliant blue plumage, varying from cobalt to turquoise. It also has black color on the mask, on the back, throat, and wing edgings. Unlike the female blue jay or the female peafowl, the female of this species is equally stunning with a bright green body and blue head.
These animals with blue fur are one of the most widespread in the Neotropics and are commonly found from Honduras to eastern Bolivia, northeastern Argentina, southern Brazil, and Trinidad. They inhabit lowlands to 1000 meters elevation in Panama.
12. Blue Poison Dart Frog
The blue poison dart frog is one of the most exclusively blue animals on earth. Found in southern Suriname and northern Brazil forests, this blue poisonous frog is an amphibian with a distinctive metallic blue color.
The blue coloring of the frog serves as a warning to predators that it’s deadly. The frog’s poison is used to kill or paralyze prey and it can also be fatal to humans if secreted through skin contact.
13. Moor Frog
The Moor frog, an amphibian primarily found in Europe and Asia, doesn’t have a completely blue appearance. Its body is smooth, with brown and reddish hues. During the breeding season, however, the males temporarily become a vibrant blue. It will turn back to its natural colors when the season is over. This makes it one of the rare creatures that are momentarily blue.
14. Indigo Bunting
At a distance, the males of the indigo bunting species may appear to be black. However, at closer inspection or when changing in perspective, their vibrant blue feathers become visible. During the breeding season, these feathers are a stunning shade of blue. The blue color of the indigo bunting, like that of other blue birds, is the result of light interacting with their complex feather structure.

In contrast, the females and young of this species have a more muted appearance. They have brown feathers that have buff-colored streaks, a white throat, and a slight hint of blue on their wings.
15. Royal Blue Tang
The blue tang, also known as surgeonfish, is renowned for its stunning appearance. With its deep blue body and vibrant yellow tail fins, it is considered one of the most beautiful fish in the world. This fish inspired the character Dory in the Disney film Finding Nemo.
The average size of this fish is comparable to an adult hand, but it can grow anywhere from 4 to 14 inches in length. They are solitary creatures and primarily inhabit the Pacific reef areas
These fish have an interesting defense mechanism when faced with danger – they “play opossum.” This means they will play dead by lying on their side and hoping to deter predators.
16. Portuguese Man O’War
The Portuguese man o’ war boasts a striking deep blue-purple hue. At first glance, it may seem like a small jellyfish and may even be mistaken for a toy, but beneath the surface lies a host of extremely long tentacles that can reach lengths of up to 165 feet. Despite its alluring appearance, it is highly venomous.
These creatures are the favorite prey of the blue dragon mentioned above.
17. Blue sea star
In the Indo-Pacific, the blue sea star can be found in shallow waters. These blue animals are distinguished by their shade of blue, which varies from light to dark. Some individuals may rarely have different colors like orange or pink.

Blue sea stars are unique species among natural blue animals with pigmentation instead of structural color. These stars generate linckiacyanin, a carotenoprotein, which is composed of several carotenoids that give the species their unique blue appearance. When these rare blue animals are taken from the water, they still have the blue color. You can read our “Starfish facts” post to know more about this species.
18. Sinai Agama
The Sinai agama lizard lives in the Sinai desert and other neighboring areas of the Middle East. With the brown body, the species can easily blend in with its surroundings. However, during the mating season, males turn vivid blue in order to draw females. This makes it one of the few blue reptiles. The females don’t change color like the males, but some of them may display red streaks on their sides.
19. Blue Iguana
The Blue Iguana, found only on Grand Cayman, is an endangered species. At birth, the iguana has intricate patterns. It only has pale blue-gray color in some body parts. When becoming older, these species are getting more blue colors, with males will be bluer than females.
However, these bright blue lizards usually change their color to gray to blend in with rocks in their habitat. They only turn blue when communicating with others of their species or establishing territory.
20. Turquoise Dwarf Gecko
The turquoise dwarf gecko is one of the blue animals and the most endangered species on earth. Limited to only 8 sq. km of Tanzanian rainforest, their habitat is severely restricted.
The males of this species are vivid blue in appearance, giving them the name electric blue gecko. The females, on the other hand, have brown and green colors. Both genders come in the orange lower part.
The attractive coloration of these geckos has made them highly coveted in the pet trade, contributing to their endangered status.
21. Gooty Sapphire Tarantula
If you’re a fan of spiders, especially tarantulas, you can’t miss the gooty sapphire tarantula. This species is one of the world’s most popular tarantula species because of its gorgeous blue color. This is also why it is a popular pet tarantula. These blue animals, native to Gooty – India, are also known as peacock parachute spiders or metallic blue tarantulas.
22. Eastern bluebird
Another blue bird on our list of exclusively blue animals is the Eastern bluebird. Both males and females have the blue color on their wings. However, the hues on their belly are different. While the females have a tan abdomen, the males own a rust belly.
From a distance, they may not have blue color depending on the lighting. However, like the blue jay, the dispersion of light causes them to appear to have blue feathers.
23. Carpathian Blue Slug
Located in Eastern Europe’s Carpathian Mountains, Carpathian blue slug is the last member of our blue animal list. These creatures can be found slithering through coniferous or tropical forest leaf litter. They are giant slugs that can grow to be 100-140 mm long.

The slugs are known for their dark blue appearance, but they do not always have this color. When they are young, these species are yellow-brown. As they age, they turn blue, from navy blue to a brighter turquoise tint. They can even be black.
Those are some of the most amazing blue animals in the animal kingdom. From the blue sea star to Victoria crowned pigeon, these animals come in all shapes and sizes, and can be found in a variety of habitats around the world. While most of them are rare and hard to find, their vibrant colors make them a unique and interesting sight. So, what is your favorite one? Let us know below!